The state of investment activity of Ukraine in the conditions of globalization.


  • Leila Mamatova Ph.D., senior lecturer of the Department Economics of Enterprises, State Higher Educational Istablishment «PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY», Mariupol,



investments, direct foreign investments, investment activity, investment potential, investment climate, globalization, eurointegration.


The article discusses the essence of investment activity and the current state of the investment climate in Ukraine. The advantages and disadvantages of attracting foreign investments into the national economy are highlighted. It is determined that the economy of Ukraine has a deformed sectoral and spatial structure of distribution of foreign investments, according to which special attention should be paid to the value of local territorial advantages of the country. The socio-economic development of the regions and the further increase in the gap in their functioning are due not to the even distribution of capital and foreign direct investment. Taking into account local preferences at the regional level, six aggregated groups have been formed that influence the investor's decision to invest in one or another region or country as a whole. The promotion and attraction of foreign investment must be carried out in a definite sequence, on pre-substantiated and well-established stages, taking into account the experience of developed countries. It is determined that the main focus on the way of European integration of Ukraine should be devoted to the development and implementation of the strategy of ensuring the competitiveness of the national economy in the EU market with the corresponding conditions and stages of preparation of the internal economic environment to European requirements, namely: achievement of the European level of labor productivity, profitability of production, wages. At the present stage of development of Ukraine, strategic development is important, which promotes a favorable investment climate in the country, which in the future influences the dynamics of socio-economic development of the regions and provides the opportunity for globalization of the national economy of the country. The study of the current state of investment activity in Ukraine has made it possible to determine that state-directed investments are needed in the development of human capital, the growth of the level and quality of life of the population and the environment for its effective functioning, that is, the industrial sector of the economy, while additional investments (foreign) are needed to accelerate European integration processes in Ukraine, updating the technological level of the country and creating and developing a modern industrial sector of the country.


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