Conceptual approaches to the assessment of the image of territories in the context of the prospects for regional development


  • Olha Zinchenko PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Tourism Business, Oles Honchar Dnipro national university,



image, assessment, managerial analysis, potential, principles, model of assessment


The article substantiates the conceptual approaches to assessing the image of the territory from the point of view of development of priorities and prospects for economic development of the regions. It presents the conceptual vision and the formation of purposeful approaches to the assessment of the image of the territories, which extends the field of methodological support for the formation of a positive image in the system of regional management. It also determines the main objectives of such evaluation, principles of its implementation and proposes analytical components of image evaluation: content, structural, functional, communicative. A model of the process of managerial analysis has been developed taking into account the systematic and the possibilities of integrated attraction of various resources, tools and methods, and to consider both internal constraints and the influence of external factors. The main points of the evaluation are: the definition of the boundaries and content of the components, communications of the research object, the formation of an economic and mathematical model of evaluation with internal mechanisms of development, the selection of quantitative and qualitative indicators of evaluation, the development of its scenarios, justification of the methods of obtaining information, its processing and preservation, choice of methodological support of the research and the target function of the analysis, monitoring of the risks of non-acceptance of the image, testing the model of evaluation, drawing conclusions based on the results of the assessment. The article describes the characteristics of these stages. The proposed approaches are evaluated by parameters such as the image effect, its clarity and constancy, the correspondence of the image to the possibilities of the region, the contextual conditionality of the image, the effectiveness of the goal setting, and effectiveness of image communication. Selected variants of the development of figurative strategies for the representation of image resources. The article revels the practical aspects of application of conceptual approaches of estimation. As prospects for further research, the development of algorithm for strategic management of the territory's image is emphasized on the basis of business activity support.


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