Application of the latest information technologies in the control system as a metasystem of management by an industrial enterprise


  • Iryna Perevozova D.E.Sc., Associate Professor, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Ivano-Frankivsk,



information support, information technology, controlling, industrial enterprise, management system, IT-technology.


In the article the necessity of continuous improvement of the management system of an industrial enterprise, in particular with regard to information provision, has been updated. The improvement of the system by means of implementation of the newest controlling system as a multi-purpose philosophy of thinking of the management of an industrial enterprise is considered. The identification of deviations in the implementation of certain business processes from the identified goals, the development of measures to eliminate and prevent such deviations in the future, increasing the speed of the adoption of effective management decisions to decompose the general objectives of the industrial enterprise to the level of structural units - a small list of issues facing the modern system management of an industrial enterprise.

The author stresses that it is the production of a holistic range of relevant information that forms the main basis for the adoption of effective managerial decisions that are adequate to the situation and time horizon of the enterprise. In this aspect, information technologies have been assigned the role of an effective tool for optimizing the business processes of an industrial enterprise on the basis of the through automation of the business functions that they form. The basis of modern state-of-the-art information technologies is network technologies, which in turn are based on the technology of computer networks, data networks, computer networks of different types, terminal networks, principles of distributed processing and storage of data. The optimal expected effect of the information provision of the enterprise management system by the author's approach is to obtain a single, comprehensive report for all management objects depending on specific management needs (action, operation, procedure, stage, business process, etc.).


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