Formalization of japanese candlestick patterns taking into account features of foreign exchange markets


  • Olena Piatykop Ph.D, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, State Higher Educational Institution «Priazovskyi State Technical University»,
  • Maksim Zhylkin student of Computer Science Department, State Higher Educational Institution «Priazovskyi State Technical University»,



technical analysis, pattern, Japanese candlestick, technical indicator, formalization, foreign exchange market, cTrader, C#, OOP, cAlgo API.


The relevance of foreign exchange markets is due to their high liquidity. Globalization and development of information technologies led to increase in foreign exchange market’s turnover. Modern computing facilities allow us to solve any problems associated with the analysis of large data volumes. That’s why the major part of speculative investors focuses on technical aspect while building their trading strategy. Technical analysis is a trading discipline employed to evaluate securities and identify trading opportunities by analyzing statistics gathered from trading activity, such as price movement and volume. An important part of technical analysis are Japanese candlestick patterns. Japanese candlestick patterns are a technical tool that pack data for multiple time frames into single price bars. This makes them more useful than traditional open-high, low-close bars or simple lines that connect the dots of closing prices. Candlesticks build patterns that predict price direction once completed. They are conditionally divided into reversal and continuation patterns. The article presents the investigation of methods of technical analysis of financial markets. In the article the main reversal Japanese candlestick patterns are considered. These patterns are formalized and realized using the trading platform cTrader using the object-oriented programming language C#.


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