S. Bessonova, A. Bessonova. Actual problems of Ukraine in the area of intellectual property.


  • Светлана Ивановна Бессонова Государственное высшее учебное заведение «Приазовский государственный технический университет», г. Мариуполь, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4938-3375
  • Анна Владимировна Бессонова Государственное высшее учебное заведение «Приазовский государственный технический университет», г. Мариуполь, Ukraine




intellectual property, innovative development, intellectual rights, protection of intellectual products.


This article analyzes the status of the system of regulation and protection of intellectual rights in Ukraine. The purpose of the article was to study the current state of the intellectual property sphere in the country and search for possible ways to solve the problems existing in this area. Intellectual property rights and their protection in Ukraine are among the most serious issues requiring immediate solution at the state level. In general, in the modern world, the problems of intellectual property protection require more and more attention not only because of legal or commercial issues. Due to the worldwide large-scale intellectualization, these problems become political in nature and acquire a close relationship with the sphere of economic security, which requires the active creation of strategic measures to eliminate them. It is important to bear in mind that a global system for regulating intellectual property rights has already been formed, and Ukraine must adapt to this system in order to act on the world market as a full-fledged participant in the world economy. Over the past decade, Ukraine has been actively involved in the development of the protection of intellectual rights, but the real trends in the registration and protection of intellectual products remain controversial and indicate the ineffective operation of this system. The progress of reforming the field of intellectual property in Ukraine is ambiguous.

Author Biographies

Светлана Ивановна Бессонова, Государственное высшее учебное заведение «Приазовский государственный технический университет», г. Мариуполь

к. э. н., доцент, доцент кафедры «Учет и аудит»

Анна Владимировна Бессонова, Государственное высшее учебное заведение «Приазовский государственный технический университет», г. Мариуполь

студентка 5 курса кафедры «Учет и аудит»


1. Информационное агентство УНИАН [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: https://press.unian.net/press/1754587-problema-ukrainyi-v-sfere-zaschityi-intellektualnoy-sobstvennosti-ne-v-otsutstvii-normativnoy-bazyi-a-v-nevyipolnenii-zakonov-predstavitel-missii-es.html

2. Сайт Украинского института интеллектуальной собственности «Укрпатент» [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http://www.uipv.org/ua/actual.html?_m=publications&_t=rec&id=3658&fp=111

3. Сайт Международной безопасности и евроинтеграции «Европейская правда» [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: https://www.eurointegration.com.ua/rus/experts/2018/03/13/7078571/

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5. Информационный портал «ZN,UA» [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: https://zn.ua/SOCIETY/ohrana_intellektualnoy_sobstvennosti_v_ukraine_problemy_i_resheniya.html


1. UNIAN information agency [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: https://press.unian.net/press/1754587-problema-ukrainyi-v-sfere-zaschityi-intellektualnoy-sobstvennosti-ne-v-otsutstvii-normativnoy-bazyi-a-v-nevyipolnenii-zakonov-predstavitel-missii-es.html

2. Site of the Ukrainian Institute of Intellectual Property «Ukrpatent» [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: http://www.uipv.org/ua/actual.html?_m=publications&_t=rec&id=3658&fp=111

3. Site of International Security and European Integration «European Truth» [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: https://www.eurointegration.com.ua/rus/experts/2018/03/13/7078571/

4. Collection of indicators of the activities of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine and the State Enterprise «Ukrainian Institute of Intellectual Property» for the 1st half of 2018 «Industrial Property in Numbers». – 2018 – P. 3-6

5. Information portal «ZN,UA» [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: https://zn.ua/SOCIETY/ohrana_intellektualnoy_sobstvennosti_v_ukraine_problemy_i_resheniya.html




