O.Yakusheva. Inter-regional communication as a factor of the growth of the economy.





region, cooperation, synergy, development, regional interconnection, efficiency, cooperation opportunities, investment attractiveness, disproportions of economic development.


The article considers the necessity of forming interregional cooperation, the peculiarities of the uniform development of the regions of Ukraine on the basis of calculations of the Gini index, as well as the groups of active and passive regions. The level of interregional imbalances in the context of globalization is one of the main characteristics of how the regional policy of the country is ready to respond to the challenges of globalization in terms of timely adaptation of regional economies to changing external conditions. As for Ukraine, the tendencies of increasing the disproportions of the socio-economic development of its regions also depend on the contemporary global processes of globalization. It was revealed that interregional cooperation can be carried out with the participation and without participation of the authorities and self-government. The main complexity of interregional cooperation is not only geographic conditions, but also the pace of economic development, because active regions do not have the interest to support and financially provide passive regions in order to equalize their development. Existing regional imbalances need to be overcome by balancing the economic development of the regions to avoid divergences and reducing the gap between the level of development of depressed and investment-attractive territories. The combination of geographical, economic, financial and partner components forms the necessary directions of interregional development, creates the necessary basis for effective cooperation. According to the author, financial assistance to depressed regions will help to align the economic development of the regions, avoid or reduce problem areas and provide "peripheral" sites with the necessary resources for the possibility of using their existing potential. The level of interregional imbalances in the context of globalization is one of the main characteristics of how the regional policy of the country is ready to respond to the challenges of globalization in terms of timely adaptation of regional economies to changing external conditions. Formed components and directions of interregional development for the purpose of achieving active cooperation between regions. The necessity of convergence of the regions of Ukraine is pointed out in order to approximate the parameters of regions with comparatively low and average levels of sustainable development to the parameters of regions with high development levels. The strategic coordinate plane of convergence of regions as a factor of increasing the level of regional equilibrium is presented.

Author Biography

Оксана Вікторівна Якушева, Черкаський державний технологічний університет

к. е. н., доцент кафедри економіки та підприємництва


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