H. Maslova. The research of composition elements of innovative infrastructure.


  • Ганна Володимирівна Маслова Донецький державний університет управління, м. Маріуполь, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0902-6189




innovation infrastructure, elements of innovation infrastructure.


The article shows the classification of the components of the innovation infrastructure by various types of classification features. The problems of the development of Ukraine's innovation infrastructure are analyzed, the state of the art and the main elements of the innovation infrastructure are analyzed, the modern conditions and directions of development of innovation activity of Ukrainian enterprises are investigated, the state is determined in the formation and effective functioning of the institutional component of the innovation infrastructure of Ukraine, measures to improve the functioning of the innovation infrastructure of the country. The gradual entry of Ukraine into the world economy and its adaptation to the requirements of the European community promotes the formation of new approaches to the development of the innovation-investment model of the economy. Innovative economic development integrates production, science, education, management, finance, culture and other components of social life. An integral part of the innovation development strategy of the economy is innovation policy, which is primarily based on the creation of a favorable investment climate, as well as the formation of effective structures for its implementation and the establishment of an effective mechanism of interaction between them, that is, the formation of favorable conditions for the functioning of the subjects of innovation activity and development entrepreneurship in the innovation sphere. The purpose of the infrastructure is to provide an effective mechanism for the integration of all stages of the innovation process, preservation and development of the country's innovation potential, including the promotion of scientific and technological activities to stimulate the production of high-tech products, the introduction of new technologies, organizational and marketing solutions. The rates of development of the country heavily depend on the level of development of innovation infrastructure.

Author Biography

Ганна Володимирівна Маслова, Донецький державний університет управління, м. Маріуполь



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