O. Cherep. Improvement of the Innovative Activity Economic Mechanism of Industrial Enterprises.





economic mechanism, innovation activity, industrial enterprises, development, components of the mechanism, innovation strategy.


In the article the existing organizational and economic mechanisms of management of innovation activity are considered. Their advantages and disadvantages are highlighted. The economic mechanism of the innovative activity of an industrial enterprise is improved, which, unlike existing ones, is a complex, separate, adapted, dynamic system based on economic, financial, technological, production, marketing, legislative instruments that influence the implementation of the IA, includes information, social , the ecological component, contains functions, principles, methods, depends on the implementation of the process of managing the activities of the enterprise, the use of technological developments, innovations and allows regulatory Engage in economic relations between business entities on the condition of interaction between subjects and objects of the IA, taking into account the influence of the factors of influence on the development of EM, the development of the IA, and allows to create, use, disseminate innovative developments, improve the IA, obtain a cumulative economic effect, and is also a regulated and developed way of conducting an IA that aims to achieve the established goal on the basis of the implementation of the IA strategy in accordance with defined conditions of activity and innovation development not only of enterprises but also of society, considering the influence of competitive environment and interacts with management methods and innovations are part of the mechanism of economic enterprise. Differentiated economic mechanism from organizational - aimed at achieving goals by regulating financial, industrial, technological, innovation, marketing activities, management development of the enterprise and does not include planning, organization, motivation, development of IA strategies, identification of ownership forms, implementation of measures to improve the security of the enterprise resources, methods and methods for making decisions on the implementation of the IA and their implementation.

Author Biography

Олександр Григорович Череп, Запорізький національний університет, м. Запоріжжя

д. е. н., доцент


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