S. Lanska. The Improving the System of Professional Development of Personnel at Work is an Leading Component of the Strategic Development of the Enterprise.


  • Світлана Петрівна Ланська Інститут підготовки кадрів державної служби занятості України, м. Київ, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1986-8777




enterprise, personnel, training, continuity, development, strategy.


In article it is substantiated that the personnel development system is the leading component of the development strategy of any enterprise. It is proved that in today's economic conditions there is an objective need to meet the needs of modern production by highly skilled employees of different levels, for which the characteristic feature is the availability of high professional mobility. It was emphasized that strategic development involves clarifying the goals and changing the structure of the enterprise. In this case, it is important to provide the optimal balance between the necessary changes and stability. In such a situation, employees must adapt to change, master the theoretical knowledge, practical skills and skills that are essential for solving the strategic and current tasks of dynamic enterprise development. This necessitates the functioning of a flexible and efficient system of personnel training and development at the micro level. The necessity of continuous development of personnel is emphasized. The conceptual principles of formation of the system of continuous professional development at the micro level are determined. The creation of the Center for Professional Training and Personnel Development was proposed. Such a structural unit should act as the driving force of the enterprise, which will initiate innovations, will promote the general growth and development of internal business. However, all this can only happen if the activities of this Center are inextricably linked with the strategic direction of the enterprise, is consistent with its overall goal and creates added value.

Author Biography

Світлана Петрівна Ланська, Інститут підготовки кадрів державної служби занятості України, м. Київ

завідувач навчально-методичного відділу, к. е. н.


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