Intellectual capital as a component of formation of knowledge of regional information management


  • Yulia Kovalenko к.е.н., доцент кафедри менеджменту Індустріального інституту ДВНЗ «Донецький національний технічний університет» м.Покровськ, Ukraine



intellectual capital, information resources, information capital, human capital, surplus value.


The article is devoted to the role of intellectual capital in regional information management. The article analyzes the points of view of various foreign and domestic authors on intellectual capital as an economic category, considers several methods for assessing the value of intellectual capital, defines its structure, focuses on human and structural components. The author believes that the characteristic features of intellectual capital, which can bring additional value, are: empirical knowledge-the study of forms and ways of manifestation of the essence of objects, processes, relations when using such methods of knowledge as observation, measurement, experiment; theoretical knowledge-the formulation of scientific problems; the nomination and justification of scientific hypotheses and theories; the identification of laws; the removal of logical consequences from the laws; comparison with each other of various hypotheses and theories, theoretical modeling, as well as procedures for explanation, understanding, foresight, generalization; the results of creative activity – formulated ideas, concepts, hypotheses, completed tasks, projects, discoveries; skills – the ability to generate ideas, integrate and accumulate knowledge for the implementation of tasks, projects; skills – the performance of human duties, tasks for the organization and management. Based on the definition of the role and display of the structure of the constituent elements, the author formed the concept of "intellectual capital" as a human intelligence that can bring additional value in the form of new ideas, projects, innovations, which is the object of management.  The author analyzes the differences between the concept of human capital and labor resources, since labor resources are directly educated people and people without higher education, performing skilled or unskilled labor. Human capital is primarily an economic category that expresses the totality of socio-economic relations regarding its formation, preservation, development and improvement, knowledge, skills, human ability to work, intellectual and creative abilities.

Author Biography

Yulia Kovalenko, к.е.н., доцент кафедри менеджменту Індустріального інституту ДВНЗ «Донецький національний технічний університет» м.Покровськ

к.е.н., доцент кафедри менеджменту Індустріального інституту ДВНЗ «Донецький національний технічний університет» м.Покровськ


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