resource saving; waste; recycling; secondary resources; region; regional level of management


  • Nataliya Potapova к.е.н., доцент кафедри економіки підприємств ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет» м. Маріуполь,



resource saving, waste, recycling, secondary resources, region, regional level of management


The current stage of socio-economic development in Ukraine primarily requires the formation of a rational strategy for resource conservation. The priority in this process is the disposal of production and consumption waste, the level of which in Ukraine is extremely low. The article considers foreign experience of waste utilization, it is proved that the regional level of management is of priority importance for its effective organization. Particular attention is paid to the article foreign experience recycling of household waste. The reasons for the constant decrease in the level of waste disposal in the Donetsk region are highlighted. The article suggests the priority directions of the regional strategy in the field of waste management. It is substantiated that its most important direction is the creation of modern organizational forms of economic and scientific-technical activities (technology parks, innovation and technology centers, waste exchanges, information, service, training, research and development centers). The article highlights the elements of the formation of the regional industry of recycling. It has been substantiated that, with an appropriate level of regional management, the development of the recycling industry can become a strategic reserve for economic growth and the most important direction in the environmental restructuring of the Donetsk region. At the same time, the use of the region’s own strategic resources and the mobilization of internal reserves for economic growth are of crucial importance, which will make it possible to redirect the regional development model to the production of high-tech products

Author Biography

Nataliya Potapova, к.е.н., доцент кафедри економіки підприємств ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет» м. Маріуполь

к.е.н., доцент кафедри економіки підприємств ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет» м. Маріуполь


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Amitan, V.N. (2000) Formirovanie bezothodnogo proizvodstva kak prioritetnoe napravlenie resursosberegajushhej dejatel'nosti v Ukraine [Formation of non-waste production as a priority direction for resource-saving activities in Ukraine] / V.N. Amitan, N.N. Potapova // Jekonomicheskie problemy i perspektivy stabilizacii jekonomiki Ukrainy. – Doneck: IJeP NAN Ukrainy. – 2000. – S. 319-328.

Pererabotka musora v Ukraine i ЕS: kak ekologicheskuyu katastrofu perevesti v pribyl'nyj biznes [Waste recycling in Ukraine and the EU: how to translate an environmental disaster into a profitable business], available at:

Nulevye othody: kak v SHvecii reshayut problemu musora [Zero waste: how to solve the problem of garbage in Sweden], available at:




