T. Shabelnyk, The informative systems making decision support in the conditions of globalization of pharmaceutical market.





information, information technologies, systems, making decision, pharmaceutical market, globalization.


Strengthening of tendencies of globalization at the pharmaceutical market cause the increase of volumes of information from market research, to moving of pharmaceutical commodities, advertisement, prognostication of sale, treatment of orders and increase of requirements toward treatment, maintenance and analysis of data. It causes the necessity of the use of the dedicated informative systems making decision support. The analysis of functional possibilities of the informative systems making decision support is done in the conditions of globalization of pharmaceutical market. Modern systems of informative systems making decision support that can be used for the analysis of dynamics of pharmaceutical market in the conditions of globalization embrace three groups of information technologies. These technologies are based on application of the universal, dedicated and integrated systems making decision support. The universal systems use a statistical tool that has a certain set of methods for an analysis and prognostication of progress of pharmaceutical market trends. The dedicated systems execute functions of automation of processes of the strategic marketing planning of activity of pharmaceutical market and can operate inexact data and suppositions. The integrated informative systems combine technologies from automation of functions different levels management of pharmaceutical enterprise. The use of the informative systems making decision support in the conditions of globalization of pharmaceutical market will promote efficiency and quality of acceptance of reasonable administrative decisions due to the improvement of dataware, decline of credible errors at making decision and economy of management resources.

Author Biography

Tetyana Shabelnyk, Маріупольський державний університет, м. Маріуполь

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