I. Kotkalova-Lytvyn, Working-out strategy of business processes recovery on the basis of expansion of organizational-innovative horizons for enterprise development.


  • Inna Kotkalova-Lytvyn Приватний вищий навчальний заклад «Європейський університет», м. Київ, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1748-5537




business processes, enterprise development, integration, merge of enterprises, strategy, competitiveness.


The article explores traditional strategies of enterprise development, in particular the strategy of intensive growth, the strategy of integration growth, the strategy of diversification. Following methods were used during investigation: logical generalization method - for the theoretical substantiation of essence of integration; system analysis method - for studying and justifying enterprise business processes recovering strategy. Analysis of organizational forms of enterprise integration management was held. In particular there were investigated holding structures, strategic partnership, trusts, consortiums, associations from the enterprise development view point. It is substantiated that enterprise’s strategy for expanding organizational-innovative horizons should include five key blocks: audit of resources available at the enterprise and selection of recovering object; ranking of objects for recovering depending on the potential for enterprise development; formation of business processes recovery tasks for each object of management; selection and implementation of measures for the reconstruction of business processes; evaluation of results of business processes and adjusting the chosen strategy (if necessary). Author proposes algorithm for formation and implementation of enterprise’s business processes recovery strategy, which aims at expanding organizational and innovative horizons of the enterprise's activity. Presented conclusions are aimed at promoting financial stability, mobilizing technological, financial, managerial, marketing and other resources, in order to implement the innovative development of the enterprise and strengthen its competitive position in the market.

Author Biography

Inna Kotkalova-Lytvyn, Приватний вищий навчальний заклад «Європейський університет», м. Київ

доцент кафедри менеджменту та маркетингу, к.е.н., доцент


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