N. Ryazanova, Evaluation of the development of alternative energy on the principles of persistence.


  • Nataliia Riazanova Державний заклад «Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка», м. Старобельск, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5890-7738




parameter, resource, method, indicator, strategic management, information binary entropy, energy.


The purpose of the article is to evaluate the strategic management of the development of alternative energy on the principles of persistence. The article considers a system for analyzing the indicators of the formation of a mechanism for the strategic management of the development of alternative energy, which consists of the economic, environmental and social effect of the studied processes. The method of evaluating the strategic management of the development of alternative energy based on the principles of ensuring the sustainable development of the industry in line with the rational use of resources and facilitating their re-establishment, improving the security status, and the level of logisation taking into account the energy component is substantiated. To build a model of sustainable development of alternative energy, information binary entropy was used as a function of state, the functioning of open dynamic multicomponent systems is reflected. The entropy of resource efficiency has been determined, the basis of which are the indicators of rational use and assistance in the reconstruction ofresources, the entropy of managerial efficiency, which is based on indicators of the state of security and the logisation of energy flows. Evaluation of the strategic management of the development of alternative energy on the principles of persistence is carried out according to a certain sequence, which consists of interrelated, systematized actions. Defined goals, subject and objectives of the corresponding analytical study. The methods for evaluating the strategic management of the development of alternative energy on the principles of persistence are substantiated. A star of reference points was built to evaluate the results of the study. Highlighted indicators stimulants and distimulatory, which reflect the direction of the impact of certain data on the state of system resistance. The level of consistency between environmental, social, and economic processes, which characterize the sustainable development of industry by determining the norm of the balance of star indicators, is substantiated.

Author Biography

Nataliia Riazanova, Державний заклад «Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка», м. Старобельск

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