M. Kravchenko, M. Mytiuk, Anti-crisis management under current economic conditions.


  • Maryna Kravchenko ДВНЗ «ПДТУ», м. Маріуполь, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2185-178X
  • Mykola Mytiuk ПВНЗ «Європейський університет», м. Київ, Ukraine




crisis, anti-crisis strategy, crisis sustainability, coefficient of aggressiveness of the external environment, financial stability.


The article discusses the emergence of the theoretical foundations and methodological tools of anticrisis management of enterprise in transition to the market economy, as well as the types, causes, sequence and nature of the causes of the crisis, the scheme of formation of crisis management under difficult economic conditions. Crisis phenomena are observed everywhere and an integral part of the development of any system - the universe, socio-political, economic, production systems, and the like. Decision-making under crisis situation is a result of balanced actions in which risks and threats are minimized and profits and incomes are maximized. Complications of general systems, increasing their mobility, speed and frequency of local and global changes put forward new requirements for the management methodology of enterprises and organizations. Constant growth of competitiveness, as well as economic and financial instability, unstable influence on external and internal factors of an enterprise leads to further work to perfection the management improvement program. For a long period of research, scientists have developed a significant number of anti-crisis management programs, accumulated a large positive experience in analyzing various situations and finding solutions to problems, however, the frequency, speed, greater competitiveness and scale of transformation in modern conditions where decision-making algorithms are installed sooner or later become obsolete in the reality of this time. The transformational changes need continuous improvement of enterprise management systems in conditions of high competitiveness and financial instability leads to further research on the topic. Transformational changes require perception by managers of modern management methods, the formation of skills to prevent or attenuate crisis phenomena, and knowledge of crisis management techniques.

Author Biographies

Maryna Kravchenko, ДВНЗ «ПДТУ», м. Маріуполь

к.е.н., доцент кафедри економічної теорії та підприємництва

Mykola Mytiuk, ПВНЗ «Європейський університет», м. Київ



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