O. Liubchuk, Prospects for the development of the value space of consumers of tourist services in the city of Mariupol.





consumer, travel services, value space, Mariupol city, cognitive tourism, religious tourism, industrial tourism.


The article shows analyzes the prospects of tourist services development in Mariupol. Presented is the formation of Mariupol as tourist center in the context development of field of value needs and area needs of consumers. Different approaches are presented on the selection of value orientations types. The research examines the impact of the value system, clearly defined patterns and lifestyles that are propagated in society for a person as a professional, consumer. The influence of the consumers personal values system on the development of various tourism types in the region is noted. The dominance of certain tourist needs in the leisure values of the students of Mariupol is stated. A low level of awareness about the availability of tourist resources various types among the youth of the city is noted. The current state and perspective directions of tourism development are considered on the basis of available natural, historical, architectural and cultural resources of the city. The mapping of the unique natural resources of Mariupol in the work of the famous artist Greek origin A.Kuinji is underlined. It was clarified that the problem of historical and cultural anthropogenic resources of Mariupol and Priazovya was revealed in the works of many ethnographers. The resurgence of excursion services in Mariupol is shown. The attention is paid to the possibilities of recreational, wellness, cognitive, industrial and religious tourism development in Mariupol. The uniqueness of historical and cultural, spiritual anthropogenic resources of Mariupol for their becoming tourist resources is indicated. The perspective directions of the necessary researches for formation of tourist interest to tourist resources of Mariupol city, in particular, monitoring for revealing values of different tourism types among consumers of tourist needs are determined.

Author Biography

Olga Liubchuk, ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Маріуполь

завідувач кафедри туризму, д. держ. упр., професор


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