O.Bezchasnyi, Analysis of results and quality of inventory.





inventory, surplus, deficiency, quality, analysis, results, inventory object.


The article is devoted to the analysis of the results of the inventory in order to ensure the comparability of results and quantification of its taking. Author consider theoretical and methodological aspects of taking inventory at the enterprise and offer system of analytical indicators to evaluate and compare the results of inventory and the quality of its taking. Inventory is an effective means of control and an integral part of accounting. Its result is confirmation of accounting data or fixing of discrepancies, usually in monetary and non-monetary measures, making it difficult to compare the results of the inventory at different times, in different parts of the company and according materially responsible persons. In analyzing the results of the inventory is proposed to use the term "inventory item" which is the part of the object of inventory which quantitative, qualitative and cost characteristics can be determined according to accounting and checked in the process of inventory which further division is possible or doesn’t influence on the results of the inventory and it is clarified its definition for individual objects of inventory. To analyze the results, it is proposed to use a system of relative indicators including recall factors of inventory, shortages, surpluses, deviations and number of deviations. The quality of the inventory can be estimated based on the results of additional procedures which confirm or refute the results and can determine the deviations unrecorded in the main process of inventory and its impact. Usage of relative indicators that characterizes the results of the inventory will ensure comparability of results and cost-effectiveness evaluation on additional procedures will determine the feasibility of increasing the inventory quality.

Author Biography

Oleksii Bezchasnyi, Державний університет інфраструктури та технологій, м. Київ

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