N. Priymak, Dual-system change management in the enterprise.


  • Natalia Priymak Донецький національний університет економіки і торгівлі ім. Михайла Туган-Барановського, м. Кривий Ріг, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9721-3226




strategic management, changes, change management system, two-loop change management system, strategic change opportunities, strategic potential for change.


The study determined that the successful implementation of changes in an enterprise is determined, on the one hand, by the state of the external environment and the acceptability of changes by this environment, and on the other, by the state of internal strategic resources. It is this approach to the effective implementation of changes in the article that forms the basis for a two-loop change management system in an enterprise. The author determined that the change management system is a set of interrelated elements of the management process aimed at achieving the goals of change in the context of the current enterprise strategy. To ensure the effectiveness of change management in the operating conditions of an enterprise as an open system, it is proposed to consider a two-loop scheme of a change management system. As part of the implementation of the external change management loop, the external environment of the enterprise’s activity is studied in order to identify external drivers of change and determine their impact on the strategic opportunities for change, as well as the consequences of their implementation for the enterprise. The information obtained at this stage of change management is used by change management to identify threshold changes and unique opportunities that form the basis of the core competencies of the enterprise. As a result, the strategic opportunities for changes necessary to implement the overall strategy of the enterprise are determined. The transformation of information about strategic opportunities for change occurs through the “prism” of the strategic potential for change and the interaction of actors and objects of change. It is proved that the scheme for implementing an enterprise change management system involves the use of four elements (subsystems) that interact with each other: functional, organizational, informational, and motivational, which ensure the achievement of change goals.

Author Biography

Natalia Priymak, Донецький національний університет економіки і торгівлі ім. Михайла Туган-Барановського, м. Кривий Ріг

завідувач кафедри маркетингу, менеджменту та публічного адміністрування, к.е.н., доцент


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