K. Antoniuk, Evolution of consumption security at different stages of globalization.





consumption security, globalization, sustainable development, technological skills, marketing conceptions.


The temporal and substantive aspects of the evolution of consumption security have been analyzed through the prism of technological progress, globalization and marketing concepts. It has been shown that the change of technological forms contributes to the development of globalization, which in turn leads to a change in market conditions, namely demand (through changes in models and approaches to consumption) and supply (through the evolution of marketing concepts in particular as a tool for meeting the needs of consumers). The contradictory nature of the evolutionary processes of globalization, on the one hand, contributes to the increase of production volumes, the reduction of the corresponding costs, ensuring market surplus. On the other hand, it improves the technologies of imposing and shaping consumer habits, in particular, the model of consumption that has arisen in the developed countries is distributed all over the world, increasing the threat of globalization for the rest of the world. The role of consumption has been determined, the evolution of the category “security of consumption” has been analyzed at each stage. The modern tendencies of development of the studied categories have been established. The peculiarities of development for Ukraine have been determined. It is proved that consumers themselves create and spread negative consequences of consumption society, worsening, in particular, the ecological situation on the planet, increasing social tension. However, due to consumer democracy, they can also form the demand for goods and services of producers who are concerned about consumption safety both in the short and long term.

Author Biography

Katerina Antoniuk, Національний університет «Запорізька політехніка», м. Запоріжжя

доцент кафедри маркетингу і логістики, к.е.н, доцент


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