Anіsіmova O., Bulakhova H. Analysis of the innovation process models implementation at the industrial enterprises


  • Ольга Анисимова ГВУЗ "Приазовский государственный технический университет", Ukraine
  • Елена Булахова ГВУЗ "Приазовский государственный технический университет",



инновационный процесс, линейная модель, системно-интегрированная модель, эффективность, инновационный цикл, инновационная инфраструктура.


The article considers the basic models of the innovation process implementation in the industrial enterprises. The concept of the innovation process has been analyzed in the article. Innovation process is considered in terms of organizational models of its implementation from the perspective of the individual stages and in interrelation and interaction of these elements among themselves. The detailed analysis of a linear model of the implementation of innovation process was given. The nature of relations between the individual stages of the implementation process in the presented model has been considered. The given model specifies accent on the science, as the main component of the innovation process. The implementation of innovation process as a linear model is substantiated in terms of the strategic objectives of a business entity.

The analysis of system-integrated model of the innovation process is presented. A scheme of the implementation and interaction of structural constituent elements is shown, including the external environment and innovation infrastructure. The realisation of innovation process by means of this type of model is shown oriented on scientific component of the process and market conditions, attention is accented on more effective control on the transition from one stage of the innovation process to subsequent, which allows lower costs and reduce innovation lag through active interaction with the environment and the openness of innovation resources. The effectiveness of the organization of innovation process is substantiated from the perspective of system-integrated model of innovation activities for the industrial enterprises. The effectiveness of system-integrated model for the implementation of innovation process in industrial enterprises from the standpoint of improving the efficiency of the resource base, reducing the time lag launching innovations to market is proven on the basis of produced comparative analysis of linear and system-integrated models of the implementation of innovation process.

Author Biographies

Ольга Анисимова, ГВУЗ "Приазовский государственный технический университет"

зав. каф. экономической теории, д.э.н., професор

Елена Булахова, ГВУЗ "Приазовский государственный технический университет"

старший преподаватель кафедры инноватики и управления


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