Shabelnikova E. Improvement of methods for determining the state of innovative development of enterprise


  • Євгенія Андріївна Шабельникова Донбаський державний технічний університет, Ukraine



innovative development, the enterprise, the methods, improvement, innovation activity, risk, management


The article suggests directions of improvement of existing methods for determining the state of innovative development of enterprise in their adaptation to modern conditions of business enterprises in the implementation of risk-based innovation activities of enterprises and their innovative development based on the analysis of the innovation activity of enterprises. The innovative activity of enterprises of Ukraine was analyzed in modern conditions, the dynamics of costs and sources of financing innovation in enterprises were studied. Determined, that the annual expansion of development and innovation in the use of Ukrainian enterprises aims to improve the performance of enterprises and economic indicators of the country as a whole. Consideration of the theoretical developments of domestic and foreign scientists and economists allowed to classify methods for determining the state of innovative development of the enterprise, depending on their level of application and condition, of level of calculation of the indicators. Analysis of discussed methodological approaches to the assessment of innovative development of enterprises allowed to identify the main integrated indicators, which can be attributed to the following categories: innovative potential, innovative activity and development effectiveness. These methods were offered to improve by adding the block of indicators of innovative risks in the enterprise to account for the instability of the modern business environment. These indicators of innovation risks accurately determine the state of innovation development, identify and justify all the features of the strategic approaches of innovative development of the enterprise. Justification of risk component in the evaluation of innovative development of enterprise involves determining the causes of risks and approaches to their management as part of the innovative development of enterprise

Author Biography

Євгенія Андріївна Шабельникова, Донбаський державний технічний університет



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