Lepekhina H. The Investment Processes as the Modernization Method of the Industry of the Kherson region


  • Елена Ваславеевна Лепьохіна Херсонский национальный технический университет, кафедра финансов и кредита, г.Херсон, Ukraine




industry, region, tendencies, investments


The purpose of the article is the exposure of modern tendencies, problems and ways of activation of foreign investment attracting to economic regions. Financing of scientific and technical and innovative activity in Ukraine is founded on legislative and normative legal base of a country. Aspiring of Ukraine for integration in a world economy presupposes reformation of all of spheres of national economy. The decline of perspective industry of agriculture do not only restrain the development of other sectors of the agrarian and food systems of Ukraine but also remains one of the spheres of the most considerable placing of the limited economic resources and their investment. Estimating domestic investment climate according to international standards and such criteria, as political and social stability, dynamism of the economic growth, degree of liberalization of external economic environment, developed industrial infrastructure, banking system and system of telecommunications, market of relatively inexpensive and skilled labour force, it is possible to observe the lagging of Ukraine from the majority of the countries of the world practically according to all of these parameters. In this connection a government undertakes important measures, directed on the improvement of the investment conditions for domestic and foreign investors. Among them are privileges of taxation of income of commercial organizations with foreign investments; exemption from value added tax and a special tax on the imported technological equipment and replacement components to it, and also providing preferential credits in foreign currency, obtained from foreign banks and credit institutions. The article presents general description of investment possibilities of the Kherson region. In modern conditions the choice of effective investment options becomes more and more vital. Importance of exposure of regional priorities is conditioned by the absolute necessity of concentration of the limited investment resources on the most daunting problems of development, or on the directions being able to provide the competitive advantages of the regional economy

Author Biography

Елена Ваславеевна Лепьохіна, Херсонский национальный технический университет, кафедра финансов и кредита, г.Херсон

к.е.н., доцент


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