Frolova Z. Analysis of prospects for innovation development of Ukraine


  • Зинаида Васильевна Фролова ГВУЗ «Приазовский государственный технический університет», г. Маріуполь, Ukraine



innovative development, innovation, competitiveness, transfers technologies


Тhe paper discusses the historical aspects of the innovation development of economy of Ukraine. Presents current ratings of innovativeness of the Ukrainian economy, showing that economic development continues to BAU scenario. Focuses on what's most important achievements of Ukrainian science were prepared in close collaboration with companies, but in recent years this trend is broken. Indicates that there is no legal leverage to the owners of plants that would have forced them to act in the public interest. The author analyzes the modern statistics inventive activity of Ukrainian scientists. Emphasizes the fact that one of the main problems in the transition of Ukraine to the present market economy requires training and the creation of an international system of training of scientists in the field of management of technology transfer. Considered legislation regulating this activity. Analyzes the concept of reforming the system of financing of scientific and technical activities involving a gradual transition to targeted funding scientific sphere, with the involvement of the private sector for the development of science and technology. In this paper we draw conclusions on the feasibility of innovative ways of development of the Ukrainian economy and the complex of necessary measures

Author Biography

Зинаида Васильевна Фролова, ГВУЗ «Приазовский государственный технический університет», г. Маріуполь

к.т.н., доцент


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