Filipishin I. Public-private partnerships as a vector of intensive development of transport infrastructure


  • Игорь Владимирович Филипишин ГВУЗ «ПГТУ», Ukraine



transportation, infrastructure, public-private partnership, mechanism, structure


The article characterized the current state of the transport infrastructure in Ukraine, resulting in the conclusion about the necessity of modernization and expansion, which requires a significant amount of financial resources. The purpose of the article indicated the development of methodology for the application of public-private partnerships to improve the effectiveness of the implementation of transport infrastructure projects. It is proved that the use of public-private partnership to address infrastructure problems will greatly expand its potential. The conditions for its application, advantages and disadvantages of interaction between government and business, the restrictions imposed by the industry to use it. Held structuring decisions about the degree of participation of stakeholders in public- private partnerships in infrastructure. The study concluded that the public-private partnership will be an effective mechanism for the revival and modernization of the transport infrastructure of Ukraine subject to such conditions, if required a significant amount of funding, with significant risk of project implementation; private investors present experience of such cooperation; public benefits resulting from the project will have a long-term, and cash flows allow recoup ongoing costs of the project; it is possible to control and regulate the public interest in the project. In addition, the necessity of a bottom-up approach to development co-operation structures of the state and private investors, providing more power and the latest features that will enhance the potential of public-private partnership and its productivity, to lay a stable foundation for the intensive development of transport infrastructure

Author Biography

Игорь Владимирович Филипишин, ГВУЗ «ПГТУ»

д.э.н., доцент, доцент кафедры учета и аудита


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