Vergal K. Set-theoretic approaches to management of integration processes


  • Ксенія Юріївна Вергал ВНЗ Укоопспілки «Полтавський університет економіки і торгівлі», Ukraine



integration, enterprise, management, integration processes, set-theoretical approach system


The article touches upon the issue of actuality management integration processes as an integral part of enterprise integration, aimed at maintaining a constant unbroken relationship between organizational, economic, technological, logistical , social processes. The essence of the concept of "managing the integration processes investigated. Identified the main the controls of  integration, including singled complex system that characterizes the static state of integration in a certain period of time and is represented as a set of integrated structure and its characteristics; integration processes that occur in the dynamics; management impacts; agents (enterprises) participating in the creation of an integrated association. Analyzed the criteria of integration. That allowed important role of management in support of integration and consistency of processes of integration structure as a complex dynamic system with multiple connections and the relevance of integration management in such areas as joint relationship management systems; management of current operations; management of integrated development; management of economic security integration association for the protection of resources and balance the interests of its members. Proposed to consider the process of integration as a process that describes the transformation of the integration potential as inputs for new properties (characteristics) of integration, resulting in qualitative changes that occur in the form of a new set of features integrated structure . The features of the use of set-theoretic approach to the study of complex systems, such as set-theoretical presents a description of the management of enterprise integration processes , the result of the integration process, taking into account the presence of the control signals and reactions of agents to manage. Essence of integration in terms of set-theoretic approach

Author Biography

Ксенія Юріївна Вергал, ВНЗ Укоопспілки «Полтавський університет економіки і торгівлі»

к.е.н., доцент, доцент кафедри економічної кібернетики


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