Leliuk M. The adaptive nature of planning in the economic entities «heterogony of ends» context


  • Марія Василівна Лелюк Полтавська державна аграрна академія, м. Полтава, Ukraine




adaptive planning, heterogony of ends, indicative planning, sustainable development


The article analyzes the necessity of the adaptive nature of planning in an environment, where economic targets of other entities do not match with the objectives of the investigated entity and can significantly affect both the forms and ways of achieving, and the planned orientation of development. It is proved, that from the standpoint of understanding of planning as a part of the management process, an adaptive character should be considered as a trait, inherent in any kind of planning. The arguments of the inexpedience of distinguishing the adaptive planning as a separate variety of plan, such as tactical and strategic planning, are given. The features of planning adaptability in terms of businesses´ purposes heterogony are analyzed. The heterogony of ends principle is considered in the article in two related areas: on the one hand - as a replacement the main objectives by the partial ones, on the other hand - as the impact of targeted actions of other entities to change plans for the studied firm. It is proved, that in the context of theories of development an adaptive planning should focus the activity of entities not on the profit maximization as a partial target, but on the providing "economic survival" and sustainable development - as the primary goal. The necessity of developing a system of targets, that would allow performing quantitative and qualitative measurements and results monitoring for the entity, in order to adapt such measurements to the planned trajectory of development and to adapt the planned trajectory according to the changes of the internal and external environment, is emphasized

Author Biography

Марія Василівна Лелюк, Полтавська державна аграрна академія, м. Полтава



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