Pozdniakov D. Criteria of classification of space technologies and services world market


  • Дмитрий Олегович Поздняков Государственного предприятия «Конструкторское бюро «Южное», Ukraine




concentrated space technologies exchange market, competitiveness, integration, formation, science –intensiveness


Scientific approaches to formation and classification of the space technologies and services markets are considered in this article. The topic is highly essential during transition of the national economy of Ukraine to the innovative way of development which facilitates efficient implementation of the potential accumulated by the rocket-space industry and promotion of the space products to the world market. The rocket-space industry takes considerable place in the government policy of Ukraine determining its status as a country of high technologies in the world market. World space industry of the leading countries such as the USA, Russia, France, Germany, Japan and Canada becomes more profitable and in 2012 its income amounted to $100 bln USD. However, participants of the space technologies market are facing competition, protectionism and other specific peculiarities of the science-intensive product markets. In connection with the aforesaid, the world space technologies (ST) market represents significant scientific-technological and commercial interests for the rocket-space industry of Ukraine. Criterion of accessibility of the world space technologies markets is index of competitiveness of 13 world leading (key) space countries. Criteria of the space technologies regional markets formation are proximity of scientific, technical-technological levels of countries development of a separate region. Regional division of the world market allows developers and users of space technologies to determine most optimal location of the subsidiaries, branches, representative offices with the purpose of maximum coverage of a certain segment of the regional market. Special attention is paid to development of markets of concentrated space technologies exchange (CSTEM). Criteria were formed that compose the basis of strategic partnership in the field of scientific-research and technological projects development.  The article identifies criteria of space products world markets classification, establishes their interconnection, provides characteristics of each market type and identifies degree of the Ukrainian rocket-space industry integration into the system of the world trade

Author Biography

Дмитрий Олегович Поздняков, Государственного предприятия «Конструкторское бюро «Южное»

ведущий научный сотрудник


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