Liashok Ya. Approach to public infrastructure system development management under conditions of imbalances


  • Ярослав Александрович Ляшок Красноармейский индустриальный институт ГВУЗ Донецкого национального технического университета, г. Красноармейск, Ukraine



the public infrastructure (PI) system, the balanced rate policy, the factors, imbalances


The article deals with working out a system-based approach to public infrastructure system development management under conditions of imbalances, which shall make it possible to structure the factors forming problem situation in rates setting analysis process. Ukrainian Public infrastructure (PI) as an element of housing and public utilities sphere is characterized by systemic long-lasting imbalances between the rates, quality of services real income of the business entities, and consumer’s paying capacity, which are the result of the ineffective management. The imbalance of the public infrastructure in today’s Ukraine has reached the proportions that make it a significant factor of deviation of equilibrium of economy, which is beyond the acceptable limits and causes the threat to national security. To avert such threats an effective set of measures on prevention and overcoming the most dangerous manifestations of the public infrastructure system imbalances as well as on adequate management decisions which maintain the system’s development is needed. The prerequisite for the effective imbalanced PI system development management is an efficient realization of the first stages of management cycle, particularly the stage of the analysis of the factors which influence the problem situation formation as a result of the imbalances manifestation.  The approach based on the combination of the decomposition techniques, SWOT and STEPLE analysis and represented as a step-by-step algorithm is suggested for the analysis of such factors. The suggested approach makes it possible to structure the description process of problem situation in the rates setting and can be applied to develop rates setting strategy in order to prevent the most dangerous manifestations of the PI system imbalance. In combination with other decision support methods the structuring of the process shall simplify processes of development, evaluation, and planning of strategic management measures as well as the process of analysis of their implementation consequences for the balanced rate policy. Further use of this approach can include rate policy consequences study, analysis of the PI services market development scenarios, working out the recommendations as for the rate policy management aimed at the PI system development

Author Biography

Ярослав Александрович Ляшок, Красноармейский индустриальный институт ГВУЗ Донецкого национального технического университета, г. Красноармейск

к. т. н., доцент, директор


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