Salova N. Modern models of personnel stimulation
reason, motivation, motivation theory, process of motivation, remuneration, mechanism of motivation, salary, bonus, «Scanlon» model, monetary remuneration, wageAbstract
The author has done an analysis and a short review over theoretical works of scientists (philosophers, psychologists, economists) concerning the problems of labour motivation: from the oldest theories of happiness achievement to the modern economic theories of personnel motivation under market economy conditions. Basic directions of development of theoretical approaches to the problem of motivation in the modern world were determined, depending on the state of economy, level of socially-ethnic, cultural sphere and accepted principles, models of people behavior in a certain social environment. In the article was determined the main difference between the terms «motive» and «stimulus».The author has reviewed substantive provisions, advantages and disadvantages of modern models of labour motivation system, which are widely used in American, Japanese and European practice. Also in the article were defined some collective and individual remuneration systems of each listed models, depending on the evaluation criteria of work results, which are the basis of such systems. The analysis of current labour legislation of Ukraine was done in order to determine the presence of prevailing signs of certain model or its belonging to one of the above-mentioned models of motivation system. The author has substantiated objective necessity of introduction of modern models of motivation systems by the domestic economic entities taking into account economic, social and political conditions of the state and national peculiarities Ukrainian workersReferences
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