Musiienko S. Innovation sustainability of industrial enterprises


  • Світлана Юріївна Мусієнко ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», Ukraine



sustainability, innovation development, industrial enterprise, innovation and sustainability, the index of innovation sustainability


The article defines the notion of sustainability and approaches to the definition of this notion. Stability of the enterprise is dynamic, comprehensive, complex and multifaceted concept. So, the notion of sustainability is through the use of the term "Steady state" (steady state), which displays the conditions of dynamic equilibrium of the economic system; from the point of view of financial stability, avoiding bankruptcy and competitiveness; consider issues of sustainability in line with the position of the concept of "sustainable development" ("sustainable development") and use the Yak basis of the concept of sustainable economic growth (sustained positive economic growth), which characterizes the dynamic equilibrium of the economic system and its economic development. The author of the article suggests a definition of innovation sustainability of the enterprise as the enterprise's capacity to manage internal destabilizing factors, to adapt to the external destabilizing factors of innovation and to create conditions for functioning and development of efficient innovation enterprises. Also, it is suggested to evaluate index innovative sustainability, which includes indicators for the four groups: foreign economic, internal economic, environmental and social. The index of innovation sustainability proposed to be assessed using the method of calculating the integral indicators. Also, in the article innovative stability of the region as one of the main factors influencing innovation sustainability and development of industrial enterprises. Factors of activation and inhibition of innovation development, which are part of the innovation sustainability of the region: political and legal, resource, organizational, and information factors

Author Biography

Світлана Юріївна Мусієнко, ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет»



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