Koverga S.V. Detection of disbalances on the basis of analysis of functioning of industrial enterprises


  • Сергій В’ячеславович Коверга Автомобільно-дорожній інститут ДВНЗ «Донецький національний технічний університет», м. Горлівка, Ukraine




balance, development, operation, enterprise, мechanical engineering


Sources of imbalances in the industry are analyzed. It is noted that one of the main reasons interfering formation of a sustainable development in industrial regions, functioning in them budget forming branches (resource-extraction, chemical, metallurgical) is. It is proved that decrease in efficiency of interaction between employees and shortage of certain forms of behavior at the solution of tasks and observance of rules of the organization, and also a deviation of role interaction of employees can be the reason of «violations» or imbalances in the organization. It is noted that the intellectual capital of the enterprise can be one of defining factors of a sustainable development. The role of innovative and investment aspects in management of a sustainable development of the enterprises is investigated. It is proved that imbalances in development of the enterprises of one branches of economy generate imbalances in development of others. The main imbalances in development of leading enterprises of mechanical engineering of the Donetsk region, in particular imbalances in dynamics of the main indicators of functioning of machine-building enterprises, in change of cost of fixed assets and current assets, in the ratio revolving funds and the current obligations, in the ratio number, a salary and labor productivity of the personnel of machine-building enterprises of Donetsk region are analyzed. The conclusion is drawn on communication existence between balance of development of the separate enterprises and a condition of separate branches, and also the industries as a whole that demands further development scientifically - methodical tools of management of the balanced development of the industrial enterprises

Author Biography

Сергій В’ячеславович Коверга, Автомобільно-дорожній інститут ДВНЗ «Донецький національний технічний університет», м. Горлівка

к.е.н, доцент


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