Kondrashihin A. The rights and the intellectual property rights of the department’s worker: the problem of preservation


  • Андрій Борисович Кондрашихін Академія муніципального управління МОН України, м. Київ, Ukraine




innovation, the object of intellectual property rights, author, department, university


The analysis of the conditions of protection of intellectual property rights and objects of this law in strengthening the role of the information component of productive forces, the rapid development of information technology, risk increases when the risks of infringement of intellectual property rights of the person, improper borrowing foreign copyright texts, plagiarism, especially when writing a dissertation research, textbooks, monographs  and other kinds of scientific and technical products. Able to detect signs of trouble for the preservation of the rights and intellectual property rights, as well as identify opportunities to preserve the intellectual property rights for the person - an employee of the department of higher education through the use of internal resources of the university. Due to research information is updated and methodological support of the department, new links in the space of education. It is proved that the preservation of intellectual property rights - are complex events that are embedded in the primary circuit generating scientific and technological products in respect of its accounting, protection and transfer to use objects created intellectual property rights and to prevent misconduct by the use of other objects that have been created work of others, including the improvement of organizational and legal conditions for handling intellectual property rights. Prevention system to preserve the intellectual property rights of the author includes promotion of creative work, moral means of promoting, creating an atmosphere of respect for intellectual labor, a special edition about the regulation of relations between the author and the user works.

Author Biography

Андрій Борисович Кондрашихін, Академія муніципального управління МОН України, м. Київ

д.е.н., доцент


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