Kosenko О. Monitoring the commercial potential of intellectual property using the function of tangential economic effect


  • Олександра Петрівна Косенко Національний технічний університет «Харківський політехнічний інститут», Ukraine




monitoring, commercial potential, smart technology, economic impact, transfer, commercialization


The article deals with theoretical and methodological foundations of intelligent monitoring technologies that are based on intellectual property. The existing monitoring system considering its capabilities extremely well, including the bailout, environmental, financial innovation are other types of monitoring. We prove that the theory and practice of economic monitoring is not enough highlights its capabilities towards intelligent technologies. Meaningful sequence of steps proposed monitoring market appeal (commercial building) intelligent technologies. Important author considers the fact that each of the present process stages (stages) is to some extent independent. We prove that the evaluation of market opportunities now intelligent technology, the state of their target market, market changes on it to determine its position relative to market goods and analog products, substitutes and identification of possible prospects and areas of intellectual development can be done very effectively using the principles and methods of economic monitoring. Methodical provision of monitoring commercial potential of intellectual property using the function of tangential economic effect. It is proved that the performance of economic benefit to the developer (seller) and the user (buyer) of intellectual property can be played during monitoring using monitoring tangential function F1. The proposed function is defined in the interval [-1, +1] and by the nonlinearity of the function F1 is possible to track changes in the gradient of economic benefit from the development and use of intelligent technology. The size of the change and the basis for monitoring the commercial potential of intellectual property.

Author Biography

Олександра Петрівна Косенко, Національний технічний університет «Харківський політехнічний інститут»

к.е.н., доцент кафедри маркетингу


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