Piseva О. General description of features of licence contracts about the use of objects of industrial property in building


  • Олена Володимирівна Писєва Науково-дослідний інститут інтелектуальної власності НАПрН України, Ukraine




license, construction, use, industrial property, contract, sub-license


By applying of innovative advanced technologies, methods, approaches and tools in the implementation of construction works, which are currently being actively implemented at all levels and stages of construction, and, of course, include or are based on industrial property necessitates a general analysis of this type of contract to dispose of intellectual property rights as a license agreement on the use of industrial property in the construction and / or construction work, which is by far one of the most popular ways to implement the results of intellectual activity in the industrial processes. Problems of this type of licensing agreement based on the specifics of the construction industry, one of the most characteristic features of the contractual relationship which is a system of general contract with the possibility of the involvement of third parties( subcontractors ) that automatically generates the possibility of issuance of sublicenses for use of industrial property in order to prevent illegal use of the subject license. Identification of all objects of industrial property that can be used in the construction is the main condition for the rights of the owner of the industrial property rights. Installation of all objects of industrial property that can be used in the construction is the main condition for the owner of the industrial property rights. Given the peculiarities inherent in the construction industry at the conclusion of a license agreement on the use of industrial property in the implementation of construction work, it is necessary to properly identify and resolve including such important conditions as the license subject to the establishment of the beneficial effects of its use in construction, scope, scope of work, the number of participants involved in the execution of the contract subcontract, the possibility of a sub - license agreement, the total price of the license, confidentiality, etc. The purpose of the study characteristics license agreements for use of industrial property in the construction is to establish the conceptual differences and the specific terms of the treaty in the construction industry.

Author Biography

Олена Володимирівна Писєва, Науково-дослідний інститут інтелектуальної власності НАПрН України

провідний фахівець відділу промислової власності, фахівець інтелектуальної власності, магістр з правознавства


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