Bondarenko O. Features and problems of using industrial designs in the business


  • Ольга Олегівна Бондаренко ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет, м. Маріуполь, Ukraine



industrial design, patent, legal protection, intellectual property, innovation, the scope of protection


Developed economies is largely innovative in nature, that is based on the application of new knowledge and modern information technology. Global trend began deregulation of markets and the reduction or elimination of barriers to free trade, and the establishment of the standard terms and conditions of international trade. This domestic and regional markets become common features and put the same requirements for manufacturers and suppliers of goods and services. In such circumstances, intellectual property has become one of the most important factors determining the success of the production and business activities both in the domestic and international market. It can provide significant advantages in competition. Protection of industrial designs encourages creativity and stimulates the development of the industry. Protection of designs is not only contributes to the overall objectives of the country - there are interested and industry, and company developers and consumers. New times and circumstances create new challenges for managers. It is important not only easy to understand the importance of legal protection of designs and work for its implementation. Therefore, the article devoted to the issue of legal protection of industrial property rights - civil and legal protection of designs in Ukraine and features the use of industrial design companies. The analysis of the basic normative - legal acts regulating the use and protection of industrial designs. The basic points that you need to learn to officers and employees of large industrial enterprises in the use of industrial property, as well as in obtaining protection for industrial design and continue with his defense for the most positive effect of the use

Author Biography

Ольга Олегівна Бондаренко, ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет, м. Маріуполь

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