Chernenko L. Караоке, as means of the use of objects of copyright and allied rights.


  • Людмила Анатольевна Черненко Научно-исследовательский институт интеллектуальной собственности НАПрН Украины, Ukraine



karaoke, copyright, neighboring rights, performance, music, technical device


The work consists of two parts(1. Term "karaoke", 2. Works protected by copyright and related rights, which are used in "karaoke"), described and analyzed the technical and legal aspects "karaoke" systems. In the technical aspect, consider the concept of "karaoke" by the historical context of the creation of the device itself, such as: its development and further improvement; interpretation given to the concept of "karaoke", which includes some of the inherent him three categories: design, music(which is carried out through), a technical device. Also in thework presents the karaoke function, which is closely related to the storage medium, as well as with the devices themselves for their reproduction; noted that as a result of the use of certain functions karaoke industry develops in two market segments: the creation and improvement of technologies for professional use devices (systems) karaoke (for karaoke clubs , including the championship), as well as for the "home" ("domestic") karaoke.An analysis of the functions and features of karaoke systems at present allocated objects that may have legal protection , such as a piece of music (no text) , the text itself , as well as objects that constitute the background for the text (if the monitor). In legal aspect, through the doctrine of copyright concepts are presented as works and musical work, which at this stage and are not fixed at the legislative level; the characteristic object (product), protected by copyright and related rights, which are used in "karaoke". Analyzes the concept of performance works with systems "karaoke" with regard to their publicity. Just filed to implement data collection characteristic of remuneration for the use of the above objects , as well as control over their fair use authorized by collective management organizations.

Author Biography

Людмила Анатольевна Черненко, Научно-исследовательский институт интеллектуальной собственности НАПрН Украины

старший научный сотрудник отдела промышленной собственности,  специалист по интеллектуальной собственности


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