Matskevych O. Displaying of norms of copyright laws in the mass media laws of Ukraine


  • Ольга Олександрівна Мацкевич НДІ інтелектуальної власності НАПрН України, м. Київ, Ukraine



copyright, information, mass media, media law


It is made an analysis of what provisions of the legislation of Ukraine on copyright and related rights in the existing special laws regulating mass media. It was established  that the terminological determination in information legislation is an important aspect for legal science in general as well as for copyright. In particular, the analysis of the definition of “information” is made. The author highlights the deficiencies and proposed her own definition. Such terms as “printed information”, “audio-visual information” are also studied. It is determined that the definition of “printed information” available in no law and formulation of “audiovisual information” needs adjustment. Attention is also given to the network media. The author draws attention to the different interpretations of audiovisual works in the Laws of Ukraine “On Copyright and Related Rights” and “On Television and Radio”. Through further analysis of the Law of Ukraine “On Television and Radio” was found the highlight of such norms of copyright as the right to a name, the right to inviolability of the work, co-authorship (interview), and a mandatory compliance with copyright use and distribution of broadcast programs. It is also analyzed the status of such person as a journalist and concluded that the laws regulating mass media set forth certain powers of the journalist, as the subject of copyright. A particular note on the rights of authors of letters printed media and the nature of the contractual relations is made

Author Biography

Ольга Олександрівна Мацкевич, НДІ інтелектуальної власності НАПрН України, м. Київ

науковий співробітник та здобувач, магістр інтелектуальної власності


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