Petrenco I. Implementation of copyright on literary compositions by underage and juvenile persons


  • Ірина Іванівна Петренко Науково-дослідний інститут інтелектуальної власності Національної академії правових наук України, м. Київ, Ukraine



copyright, child, author of a composition, characteristic of creativeness, property right, moral right, juvenile persons, their parents, legal representatives, intellectual property


The article shows of every child, author of a composition, including literary composition, is entitled to exercise their copyright. In this case, the main prerequisite for this process is the objective existence of the composition in a form that provides an opportunity to recreate it. For the composition to become the subject of intellectual property that is protected, it must meet the legislated requirements. To acquire a legal copyright protection, a work must be the product of the creative work of the author, be original and have an objective form of expression. It is also important to note that a child is limited with his or her knowledge and experience. Because of this the composition may include borrowing from compositions of other persons. We believe that such borrowing does not contain any intention of unlawful acts by an underage or a juvenile author. These actions can be regarded as lawful because of lack of awareness of the young author on the principles of copyright law protection , confidence in the legality of their actions, the inability to distinguish protected objects from no protected sources.Copyright of minors must be carried by their parents or their other legal representatives provided the underage or juvenile author will consent to allow use of his work. Such consent to use the work must be expressed in written form. If because of the age illiteracy or physical inability providing of written consent is not possible, then it must be given orally. Given that a minor author because of lack of experience and simple knowledge cannot objectively enough evaluate all aspects of drawing up contracts for the use of compositions, his or her legal representatives must accompany the exercise of such legal actions. At present, the existing legal regulation of realization of copyright on literary compositions by underage and juvenile persons, according to Ukrainian legislation , is insufficient and needs to be improved

Author Biography

Ірина Іванівна Петренко, Науково-дослідний інститут інтелектуальної власності Національної академії правових наук України, м. Київ

здобувач, науковий співробітник


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