Shykova L. Of theoretical of aspects of intellectual property management are on an enterprise


  • Лілія Валеріївна Шикова ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет, м. Маріуполь, Ukraine



management by intellectual property, objects of intellectual property, management of intellectual property, corporate management, management strategy


In the article different determinations are examined by the scientists of essence of concept «intellectual property management». Basic component intellectual property managements are exposed, namely: development of intellectual property, that includes planning and realization, favorable environment and motivation of workers; market analysis, that consists of possibilities, competitors and violators(for example patent rights); protection of intellectual ownership rights, embracing legal defense, commercial secrets and disciplinary penalties; exchange intellectual property, that includes a purchase, sale, transfer of technologies and joint scientifically research and research - designer works. The basic tasks of intellectual property management are exposed. The basic factors of control system by intellectual property are enumerated. The features of functions of intellectual property management are certain. Principles that must be taken into account at an intellectual property management are in - process presented. The simplified chart over of realization of management of intellectual property on an enterprise, that is expressed in, is brought: development of intellectual property, market of intellectual property analysis, protection of intellectual ownership rights, exchange intellectual property; and also the system of corporate industrial property management is analyses taking into account the use of intellectual property. The value of analysis of management is certain in the choice of strategy of management of intellectual property an object on an enterprise

Author Biography

Лілія Валеріївна Шикова, ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет, м. Маріуполь

к.е.н., ст. викладач


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