Pogorelaya M. Problematic issues in training of intellectual property management specialists at the present-day stage of innovative development of Ukraine’s economy.


  • Мария Александровна Погорелая Национальная Металлургическая академия Украины, г. Днепропетровск, Ukraine




training, educational standards, learning discipline, professional activity, education qualificational level, specialty, manufacturing functions


This article brings out peculiarities of specialists training in the field of intellectual property. It is noted that at the present-day stage of innovative development of Ukraine’s economy the country is in need of specialists, who can professionally carrying out all the emerging tasks related to creating and application of innovative products based on intellectual property objects. This article also states that a comprehensive program of specialists training is being implemented in the country, which helps building up human resource for professional activity in the field of intellectual property: corresponding Concept has been introduced and the Program of Development of the State System of Intellectual Property Protection is accepted. Also, discipline “Intellectual property” has been introduced in more than 15 colleges and universities with graduate and master’s learning programs. State standards of higher education related to the qualification “Professional of intellectual property” are introduced as well. Using the method of competent approach, the author analyzed the training system of intellectual property students and pointed out certain problematic issues connected directly to the learning process. Foremost problems, according to the author, are related to the list and content of standard learning disciplines. Author also reveals a few causes, which lead to corresponding issues at the present-day stage of intellectual property specialists training. Specifically, one of such causes is seen in ongoing harmonization of Ukraine’s legislation with that of European Union, as Ukrainian specialists require extra knowledge in the field of international and European laws. The article suggests ways to solve some problematic issues. In particular, it is suggested that problematic issues related to the list and actual content of standard learning disciplines can be solved by means of introducing additional disciplines into the optional segment of learning programs. An opinion is stated that currently active state standards of higher education related to the qualification “Professional of intellectual property” need to be revised and enhanced.

Author Biography

Мария Александровна Погорелая, Национальная Металлургическая академия Украины, г. Днепропетровск

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