Syvolap L. Security of enterprise Service as factor of him economic security


  • Лариса Анатоліївна Сиволап Маріупольський державний університет, Ukraine



economic security, security service, organizational structure, factors of influence, function of security service, stages of creation of security service


In the article essence of the system of economic security is certain enterprise, and also him basic descriptions. Interpretation of concept «security of enterprise service» is given and it is enumerated functions that is executed by security service. It is indicated on that the list of functions can change on every enterprise depending on his aims. Basic objects that is guarded by security service are in-process enumerated. The row of the stages recommended businessmen at creation of economic security service that consist of is presented: decision-making about the necessity of creation of economic security; determination of general tasks of economic security service; development of position is about economic security, determination of structure and claim of the states service; set of shots. Development of position about economic security, determination of structure and claim of the states service an organizational structure over of economic security of enterprise, that evidently leads to a considerable role in this structure of security of enterprise service, is Brought. Basic subdivisions of security service are indicated in the presented structure, such as: marketing service, service of economic secret service, analytical services, technical departments, service of guard. The basic criteria of estimation of efficiency and reliability of security service are certain. The basic factors of influence are exposed on functioning of security service, such as: economic activity, legality, competence, efficiency, duplication of functions

Author Biography

Лариса Анатоліївна Сиволап, Маріупольський державний університет

к.е.н., доцент, доцент кафедри економіки та фінансово-економічної безпеки


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