Iksarova N. Adaptive-marketing management as a tool for post-crisis recovery of the construction industry of Ukraine


  • Наталія Олександрівна Іксарова Київського національного торговельно-економічного університету, Ukraine




adaptive-marketing management, building complex, post-crisis recovery


The article investigates the performance of the construction industry of Ukraine and the influence of the global economic crisis and political shocks in 2013 on the dynamics of constructions in Ukraine. The analysis showed that, despite a slight increase in demand for construction services in 2011, pre-crisis volumes of domestic enterprises could not be achieved. Moreover, in recent years the volume of construction in progress significantly increased, indicating the need to find innovative management tools for construction companies. One concept that has gained widespread in European companies is adaptive-marketing management, taht is oriented on taking into account when forming development strategy goals of both services providers and consumers. When using this concept, depending on the external and internal environment and market conditions, each of the elements of the marketing mix is adapted to the wishes of customers, and the activities of all departments and divisions in line with its marketing purposes. Given the fact that in the face of uncertainty generated by the crisis, consumers who have limited financial resources are not willing to invest in the construction, in order to provide the demand for the services mutually beneficial form of cooperation should be offered to customers. In this paper it is proved that the implementation of management based on adaptive-marketing approach will allow domestic companies to adapt to current business conditions, which respectively will give impetus to the development of construction complex and will allow in the future to reach pre-crisis volumes of domestic companies

Author Biography

Наталія Олександрівна Іксарова, Київського національного торговельно-економічного університету

к.е.н., доцент кафедри міжнародної економіки


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