Pavelko V. Algorithm development and implementation of quality management system to domestic airport complex


  • Віталій Юрійович Павелко Запорізький національний технічний університет, Ukraine



the quality, management, quality management system, enterprise, airport, airports complex


Determine the relevance of the development and implementation of quality management system of the domestic airport complex: as a factor in organizational effectiveness as a means of motivating staff to the quality of work and responsibility, as a means of structural changes. These and other factors determine the need for and the possibility of introducing the quality management system of the domestic airport complex. Subject of research are methodological approaches on the requirements for the development and implementation of quality management system in accordance with the specifics of airlift and organizations providing these services. Research methods - analytical, computational, comparative analysis. Defined and structured services in the airport complex. On an example of the utility's "International airport" Kiev "analyzed step by step algorithm implementation management system based on international quality management system, defined profiles of key business processes requiring regulation by the quality. At the airport complex due to increased safety requirements leading principle in the implementation of the QMS is to bring the duties, responsibilities and authority in the field of quality management of a staff member. Conclusion. Algorithm development and implementation of QMS in enterprise management is a typical, but acquires specific industries at all stages. Proved that in the airport complex principled approach is to bring the QMS implementation duties, responsibilities and authority in the field of quality management of a staff member involved in the management, due to increased safety requirements. The next step is to study the trends of the modern world, in particular the concept of a single, which was called "Roadmap security" and scientific support for the implementation of programs Operational Safety Audit (IOSA); finalization of the audit program, ground handling (ISAGO); Work on the creation of an integrated management system airlines (IAMS) international and regional airports, which are subject to the signing of an Association Agreement with the European Union can purchase additional chance for development.

Author Biography

Віталій Юрійович Павелко, Запорізький національний технічний університет



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