Makhmudova C. About the nature and the basis of economic safe of regions development under globalization circumstances


  • Катерина Володимирівна Махмудова Маріупольський державний університет, Азовський морський інститут Одеської морської національної академії, Ukraine



economic environment, economic safe strategy, globalization of justice


The article on the example of the Donetsk region conducted a study of economic security at the regional level, the relationship and interdependence between the levels of economic security (state, region, economic entities), proved the need to develop and implement strategies to ensure the economic security of the region. Results of the study show that the level of economic security at the regional level depends on government policy and performance of business entities. Economic development of the regions in the security context of globalization, improvement in the economic sphere Donetsk region is hampered by lack of domestic strategic investor and effective owner, who would be able to invest, to ensure competitive production, is able to settle with the budget. Effective government strategy carried out in the interests of the development of civil society in Ukraine, will strengthen the position of individual rights and freedoms are the supreme value. Recognition, respect and protection of the rights and freedoms of citizen is the duty of the state. This strategy will increase the legal awareness of citizens of Ukraine, because without a sufficiently high level of legal consciousness both leaders of state structures and all citizens, to achieve the respective goals of economic growth and welfare of the citizens of Ukraine in today's globalized world is impossible

Author Biography

Катерина Володимирівна Махмудова, Маріупольський державний університет, Азовський морський інститут Одеської морської національної академії

аспірант, старший викладач


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