Ostapenko O. Calculation of losses of economic benefits in the process of growing of agricultural crops under the occurrence of insured events


  • Ольга Миколаївна Остапенко Полтавська державна аграрна академія, м. Полтава, Ukraine




losses, productivity, price, emergencies, accidents


Yearly losses of agricultural producers in the process of their activity are caused by natural factors and show considerable amounts. Consequently, there is a need of permanent protection of agricultural producers.  Insurance is recognized as the most effective instrument of reimbursement of dealt losses. The article considers the evaluation of the losses of economic benefits, which are sustained by agricultural producers in the process of growing of agricultural crops and are caused by an influence of the nature. In the process of evaluation the author used appropriate methodical instruments, especially, statistical methods. The evaluation of the losses of economic benefits in the process of growing of agricultural crops under the occurrence of insurance events obviously give an opportunity to certify that such evaluation may be used as an objective instrument of calculation of the money form of losses of agricultural producers in the process of growing of crops. The author of article calculated the economic loss of an agricultural producer in the plant industry, which are sustained due to natural emergencies. To solve this task the author used statistical methods and proper information, namely, the actual area of death of agricultural seedlings in Ukraine and their productivity, the selling price of a product unit of a particular agricultural crop or a group of crops. In the process of determination of an amount of the economic loss the author have been making the calculations, using the susceptibility concept (susceptibility is peculiar characteristic that occur due to an influence of numerous factors and different processes and in the aggregate enhance resistance of anybody to emergencies). Having calculated the loss of harvest of agricultural crops from natural disasters, the author determined that a lack of agricultural crops is mainly associated with decrease of their productivity and death of seedlings caused by an influence of natural factors, namely, floods, droughts, hails, etc.

Author Biography

Ольга Миколаївна Остапенко, Полтавська державна аграрна академія, м. Полтава

кандидат економічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри фінансів і кредиту


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