Poyasnyk P. Evaluating the economic value of economic resources of enterprises with methods of expert estimations


  • Павло Георгійович Поясник Харківський Національний автомобільно-дорожній університет, Ukraine




methods of peer reviews, information resources, economic value, the method of binary comparisons, the method of focal objects


Nowadays it is extremely important to use all available resources of the company, which is why information is presented one of the underrated but very important resources in the enterprise. The economic value of information resources can be determined using the methods of both individual and collective peer reviews. These methods allow us to evaluate the information resources based not only on objective, but on subjective factors that increases the overall accuracy of the estimates of the economic value of information resources. Were analyzed by expert methods evaluation of information resources. Their advantages and disadvantages. It is proved that the most versatile and accurate method is the focal objects. This method can be applied for determining the value of information resources available to the enterprise, and to identify the unique information base objects that affect the overall value of the enterprise

Author Biography

Павло Георгійович Поясник, Харківський Національний автомобільно-дорожній університет



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