Tronko V., Duginets A. Information and communication environment of international logistics


  • В. В. Тронько к. е. н., доцент кафедри міжнародної економіки, Ukraine
  • Г. В. Дугінець КНТЕУ, м. Київ, Ukraine



information and communication technology, international logistics, globalization, e-commerce, virtual goods


The study has determined that International Logistics are part of the economic system, so its development is directly linked with the general evolutionary trends: the growing role of information and communication, the emergence and rapid spread of network structures, the “blurring” of national markets’ boundaries due to the influence of globalization. The analysis has determined that innovations are changing modern business methods and the format of international logistics, providing an advantage in economic and political power to the leading countries in technology and information. The Internet has allowed for new markets and new channels, speeding up the exchange of goods, creating new forms of relationships between buyer and seller, and providing conditions necessary for a new form of goods – virtual goods - which can be transferred through a computer network without additional use of physical channels. The study proves the applicability of Internet in international logistics: the latter provides the medium for e-commerce, which allows ignoring the spatial parameters of a deal, (taking into account the location of the customer and the supplier at the time of the deal’s conclusion), thus concentrating on the temporal parameters of its implementation. The study draws the conclusion that modern information and communication environment creates better conditions for mutual cooperation and for implementing effective business processes through a high degree of communication and information technologies’ implementation aimed at attaining a significant competitive advantage in the global market.

Author Biographies

В. В. Тронько, к. е. н., доцент кафедри міжнародної економіки

КНТУ, м. Київ

Г. В. Дугінець, КНТЕУ, м. Київ

к.е.н., доцент кафедри міжнародної економіки


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