Vereskun M. V. Methods of evaluating the effectiveness of information systems implementation in industrial enterprises
implementation of information systems, evaluation methods, the efficiency of investment, industrial enterprisesAbstract
The article conducts a General analysis of the market information systems (IS) in Ukraine. It was found that the increased demand for information technology so far does not lead to a sharp rise in their proposal, which was accompanied by a corresponding decrease in their value. For industrial enterprises of IP begin to generate direct income, be an important investment assets, which significantly affect the market value of the company and its competitiveness in the market. However, direct monetary determination of the effectiveness of implementation (modernization) of IP in industrial enterprises remains a challenge. Its complexity is caused by the following reasons: the results of the implementation of information systems is not apparent immediately, but after some time; evaluation of the results achieved in the process of using IP changes is subjective; is often improving intermediate components of the activity which indirectly affect the end results of activity of industrial enterprises.
Domestic and foreign scientists have developed different approaches to assessing the implementation of information systems. All methods are divided into qualitative, financial and economic, statistical and probabilistic. The paper discusses the main advantages and disadvantages of each group of methods. According to the results of the analysis of the main advantages and disadvantages of the most commonly used methods of evaluating the effectiveness of the implementation and use of information systems is determined that the main disadvantages of these methods are: the lack of risk analysis, the complexity of the calculations or implementation, the bias in the estimates. It is proved that a promising direction for further research is the development of a new methodological approach to the study and choice of solutions for the implementation of IP in industrial enterprisesReferences
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