Hurzhiy N. N. Methodical approach of the estimation of efficiency of forming of marketing strategic set of machine-building enterprise


  • Н. М. Гуржій Запорізький національний університет, м. Запоріжжя, Ukraine



strategical marketing planning, efficiency, strategic marketing set, influence, strategical marketing management


This article deals with the classification of the estimation of efficiency of forming of marketing strategic set of machine-building enterprise.  An author is offer methodical approach on determination of unclear connection between factors and efficiency of forming and realization of marketing strategic set of machine-building enterprise. Among major factors that influence on efficiency of forming of marketing strategic set an author suggests: approaches in formation of in-use guidance strategy; informative aspect of forming of marketing strategic set, wrap-round quality of information which is used for acceptance of marketings strategic decisions; qualifying aspect of forming of marketing strategic set which engulfs jurisdiction of workers, by занятіх development of strategy. Efficiency of forming of marketing strategic set is determined the plural of indexes which represent the high-quality forming of marketing strategic set (his flexibility, reliability, balanced, clarity, for workers and others like that) and his potential possibility to arrive at certain results. It is marked by author, that between the considered factors and potential efficiency of forming of marketing strategic set there is positive dependence. All of it testifies to high authenticity of the made model. It is well-proven, what only effective connection of the grounded marketing strategic set with the professional approach in a management of realization will result in the origin of effect of synergy and will allow an enterprise to score a success at the market in a prospect.

Author Biography

Н. М. Гуржій, Запорізький національний університет, м. Запоріжжя

д.е.н., доцент


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