Zhilinskaya L. Modern approaches to assessing the level of development of industrial enterprises
efficiency, operation, innovation, perfection, performance, interconnection, market share, competitive factors, the environmentAbstract
The analysis of the main approaches to assessing the level of development of industrial enterprises. Revealed that a number of scientists identifies the concept of "effective development" and "effective functioning". Defined three main positions of contemporary scientists and economists for assessing the level of industrial enterprises (competitive status and competitiveness that make enterprise potential, lifecycle enterprise) and identifies their main advantages and disadvantages. It is proved that the existing methodological approaches to assess the level of development combines a number of parameters. Distinguished terms of ensuring the effective functioning of enterprises to develop an optimal strategy. Correlation and differences between economic development and efficient operation of the enterprise from the perspective aspects of its activities (financial - economic, personnel, marketing, innovation and investment, environmental and production). The main difference in the areas of management decisions being considered is the introduction of changes, innovations, innovations and improvements of existing processes to further strategic perspective of development - achieving "Kaizen effect." An assessment of company development not only conduct based positions efficiency of enterprises, but also taking into account such important factors as the impact of the environment (political, economic, social, environmental, technological, etc.). And the readiness of the enterprise to make changes and innovation.References
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